Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. What are the services that PhoneWorld offers ?
PhoneWorld offers pre-selected landline services to residential and business customers in Switzerland. All calls starting with "0" are billed by PW. This service allows you to call all domestic and international landlines as well as mobiles, worldwide.

Furthermore, PW also offers a mobile service in cooperation with a leading Swiss mobile phone network. We migrate your current cel phone number to PhoneWorld Mobile, or assign an entirely new mobile phone number. PhoneWorld also offers Swiss broadband internet access (ADSL/VDSL/Fibre) and provides E-mail and webhosting services on a partnership basis, for customer convenience.

Additionally, PhoneWorld, in cooperation with GlobalPhone Inc., USA , provides worldwide callback and Global Calling Card services.

2. How long does it take until my landline phone is switched to PhoneWorld? Generally it takes 72 hours hours. In order to find out if you have already been switched to PhoneWorld, you may call "0868 868 868". If you are connected to our network, you will hear the PhoneWorld jingle.

3. Do I have to sign a contract to make calls with PhoneWorld’s landline service?
You may download the application form in a PDF format, then fax or scan it. Contracts can be cancelled at any time, without penalty. Please refer to Swiss Mobile service for the appropriate procedure and application forms.

4. Who should I contact with technical problems?
If you can't receive calls or if you don't have a dial tone, please contact your local phone company (e.g. Swisscom etc.) If you have a dial tone, but you have problems reaching certain phone numbers, please contact our help desk 0800 300 250 or send an E-mail to For our analysis, please provide information on the number you tried to reach, and from which number your called was placed. Engineering also requires the time of your call so they can trace it.

5. Can I switch back to my previous provider?
Yes, you are only a customer of PhoneWorld as long as you are satisfied. If you have any problems with our service, please don't hesitate to contact us. If you want to switch providers, you just have to contact the provider of your choice. Once you have signed up with a new provider, you will automatically be switched away from the PhoneWorld service. It is impossible to be hooked up with two providers at the same time.

Once you have switched providers, you will continue to call with the old provider until the new provider has made the switch. You will continue to be billed by the old company until this switch is made.

If you wish to change providers but still like to keep PhoneWorld as a cost-effective long-distance service, simply send a request   to to allow call-by-call. Under this system, you simply dial 10850 in front of any number you wish to call.

6. What is Pre-Selection?
Pre-selection is switching your service to another phone company such as PhoneWorld. All calls that start with zero will be routed via the pre-selected carrier. Emergency numbers are handled by Swisscom.

7. How do I make calls with PhoneWorld?
As a pre-selected customer, you just dial the number.

8. Do I automatically get an itemized bill ?
Yes, you will receive a detailed, itemized bill around the 10th of each month. The bill also includes numerous statistics as a management summary. We can, of course, eliminate call details from your bill if you so desire (simply email)

For further questions, please email